¡Adoro el idioma español!
by Stephen
(Valdosta, Ga)
I love the Spanish language! Spanish is such a beautiful language and is not very hard to learn. It is nice to be able to speak to people and learn about their culture through their language. I am currently learning to speak Spanish from different sources. Mostly I go to local restaurants to learn the language. What a great way to learn to speak a different language!
Some interesting things have happened while trying to learn Spanish. Here is an example dialogue that I got confused:
ME: Hola te amo Stephen. ¿Y usted?
WAITRESS: (with confusion) ¿Qué? usted adora Stephen?
ME: ¡Ah! Me llamo Stephen. ¿Qué es su nombre?
WAITRESS: Si, Me llamo Ofelia.
It is very easy to confuse words that sound alike but most people who speak Spanish will help you with. I have tried every method of learning to speak Spanish and the best I have found is making a friend at your local Spanish Restaurant! I have found that people are more capable of learning a language through interaction with others who speak that same language. I have read several books and none of which have assisted me in speaking with other Spanish speaking people. Don't get me wrong, it takes a long time to learn a language and all the slang that goes along with it. It has been worth the time and energy to learn one of the most beautiful languages on earth.