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How to Improve Listening Comprehension With One Technique 
As someone who mostly studies written language, I find achieving or maintaining listening comprehension skills difficult. I don't engage in conversation …

FSI - A Long-Lost Favorite 
One of the classic language learning methods is the old FSI courses, the Foreign Service language courses produced by the US government. Some companies …

Duolingo Adds the Missing Link 
There is a very big gap between studying a language and using it. This gap comes when you want to get away from canned phrases, strict scripts and trying …

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Beware Wanderlust 
I have been afflicted yet again with another bout of Wanderlust. If you are unfamiliar with this wretched condition, let me explain. It haunts those of …

Language Learning For Older Folks 
I live in an area where there are a lot of older folks and retirees. In fact, it is the primary clientele at my job. Invariably I see that older people …

Getting More Out of Tell Me More 
Tell Me More is my favorite software language method. But that doesn't mean that it's perfect. I'm always looking for ways to get more out of language …

The Fragility of Language Learners 
From time to time I am reminded of the fragility of the language learner. It's not noteworthy when I notice it in myself. Like many language learners, …

Learn a Language in 10 Days ... Not Really 
"Learn a language in 10 days" is an ad from a merchant that sells Pimsleur products. You can see this ad all over the place. It seems like they have taken …

Babel No More 
I just finished a new book on polyglots called Babel No More - The Search for the World's Most Extraordinary Language Learners by Michael Erard. Actually, …

Where I Find the Most Time for Language Study 
Probably the biggest problem people have when it comes to language learning is how to find the time to do it. The most common reason people give for not …

Langup App for Tracking Your Language Learning Activities 
I have a number of apps for my iPhone devoted to language learning and I'm always looking for more. One that I just found is perfect for tracking your …

A New Resource For Learning Scottish Gaelic 
I get a surprising number of visitors looking to learn Scottish Gaelic. Unfortunately, there are really not a lot of resources to learn Gaelic. The problem …

What is an SRS? 
An SRS is basically a system for reviewing flashcards in order to optimize the learning curve. SRS stands for 'spaced repetition system' and is an increasingly …

Are You Working on Your Language Every Day? 
Days off are killers when you're learning a language. You need to be doing something with the language you are studying every single day in order to maintain …

Inspiration From The Polyglot Project 
Every once in a while I like to see what other language learners in the world are doing. Sometimes what I see other people doing reassures me that I am …

Learning a Language Intensively 
Without a doubt, there is no more effective or efficient way to learn a language than to do it intensively. It is possible to learn a language in a surprisingly …

Alternatives to Rosetta Stone 
Rosetta Stone is the 800 pound gorilla of language learning software. They are on TV, all over the internet, on radio, in magazines, malls and airport …

Casual Language Learning 
With the right mix of learning resources, with reasonable short and long term goals, it is possible to get a good foundation in a language by learning …

How Long Does it Take to Learn a Language? 
There are a lot of factors at work here, but I'll give you the answer. 400 Hours. How did I arrive at that number? Some time ago, I wrote an article on …

"The living language is like a cowpath: it is the creation of the cows themselves, who, having created it, follow it or depart from it according to their whims or their needs. From daily use, the path undergoes change. A cow is under no obligation to stay in the narrow path she helped make, following the contour of the land, but she often profits by staying with it and she would be handicapped if she didn’t know where it was
or where it led to."

- E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White

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