Buyer beware - you will not own your software!

by heytricia
(Tampa, FL)

If you are considering a purchase of any Rosetta Stone softwares, be aware that you will NOT own it. This means if you decide to sell it later, you cannot. I would never have paid the high prices I did for two (2!!!) of their software packages had I known I would be stuck with them forever.

I tried to sell my original copies of Rosetta Stone for Spanish and Japanese on eBay. (I am not a pro seller - just 'yard sale' there occasionally.) I did not retain any copies and removed the working copies from my computer. My eBay listings were pulled, and I received an email saying I was in violation of copyright. For the record I WAS able to sell other used softwares in this manner. So I did a bit of research and found a discussion at titled 'You can't sell Your Rosetta Stone.' It explained that Rosetta's stand is they don't sell software - they sell licenses - and that I cannot transfer my licenses. It went on to say that this is legally questionable, but hey - who has deeper pockets?

Given these softwares are listed on Amazon under software - not language course, or rental, etc - I'm not buying Rosetta's argument. I also don't think Rosetta should be threatened by my resell, given they are now selling later versions that are superior to mine. Ultimately, I'm feeling a bit used and abused - and want to help others avoid the same predicament. Maybe you should check out the alternatives?

Comments for Buyer beware - you will not own your software!

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Copy write
by: Anonymous

You don't have a right to re-sell it.

Go to court and find out if you want.

What is wrong will all the people posting here!?

I'm not surprised that you can't learn a new language.

true but...
by: Anonymous

Though it may be true that you cannot legally resell it, it does not mean that it is morally right. If you own something you should have the right to do what you want with it so long as it does not hurt anyone.

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