Customs Fees

Hi, I'm a US citizen in Mexico for the winter -- and then headed for a French-speaking country. I have had RosettaStone Spanish for a few years and

liked it, thinking it much more useful and efficient for picking up the lingo than the traditional school methods, which I have also shelled out for.

I just got RosettaStone French Levels 1-2-3 via UPS here in Mexico. Rosetta does not tell you about the customs charges that follow the up-front payment of $34.95 to UPS plus the cost of the program. Down here, yesterday, I had to pay
the UPS man another $125 USD in peso equivalents (Pesos 1,794.51) in duties and so-called customs broker fees. As a heads-up to customers ordering from overseas from US language companies, you might use your webpage to alert buyers about duties/broker fees sprung at the last minute. Rosetta sure did not warn me, and I have protested to them forcefully.

Thanks for your website.

Comments for Customs Fees

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UPS was at fault here.
by: Anonymous

The customs fees you paid had nothing to do with Rosetta Stone. That is what UPS does to all customers who receive any product from another country. If you are shipping or receiving internationally, never, ever, ever, ever, ever use UPS. It is a UPS scam. If you google UPS and international shipment you should be able to find many people who experienced what you did.

by: Anonymous

I agree with the advise to never user UPS (or any courier for that matter) when receiving international shipments. I've paid more in brokerage fees than the product was worth.

So sure it's a "UPS scam", but Rosetta Stone needs to take some responsibility here. They should be researching cost-effective ways of shipping goods, and at the very least provide the customer with a warning when shipping international.

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