Esperanto Resources

This page contains the most important Esperanto resources for someone beginning to learn and use Esperanto. From here you can find the tutorials, learning materials, online newspapers, internet radio and links to more resources for when you are ready for them.

Courses and Tutorials

Lernu Lernu is an excellent website designed for the beginning Esperanto enthusiast with free courses and resources to learn Esperanto.

Kurso De Esperanto The Kurso De Esperanto is a great downloadable course to learn Esperanto and it is absolutely free. It will give you the basics of Esperanto with sound examples so you can work on the pronunciation of the language.

Internet Radio, Newspapers and Magazines

RetRadio Has a variety of radio programs in Esperanto. You can listen online or download them in Real Player (.ra) format

Gxangalo An online daily newspaper in Esperanto. Lots of news, culture, music and lots of other extras, all in Esperanto.

General Esperanto Resources

Esperanto League of North America This is the Esperanto League of North America. Here you can find information, books, cd's, websites and other resources for learning Esperanto.

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