French Language Resources and Links

Here is a list of links to French language resources. Some of these sites contain so many links and resources that you will certainly not find everything that interests you in one sitting. Be sure to bookmark this page and any others you may find in your explorations that you find particularly interesting. Bonne Chance!

French at The single best resource for French language and culture on the internet (at least written in English anyway!)

French In Action The great Pierre Capretz method available for free in a video-on-demand format. Just register your e-mail address with this educational foundation, and you can view all 52 episodes of this French language television production on your computer. A brilliant production. Highly recommended. Great for beginners and intermediate speakers alike. Read my review of French In Action. A site with basic lessons for beginners, and some original writing in French by the author of the site. A list of links to French related sites for culture, history, learning and more. Some links to newspapers, radio and other resources.

French Language Resources One French learners list of product reviews and resources. Tennessee Bob's huge list of French language resources and French related sites and pages.

French Resources at Materials for language learning, this site includes links to mailing lists, online courses, grammar, practice materials, free music and literature in French and much more. A blog with some interesting vocabulary and idioms, and a unique look into life in Provence. The BBC has lots of resources for learning French. Check out the audiomagazine Le Mensuel in particular for news in audio and text format.

Also don't forget to look for penpals, live chats and forums for practicing French, and many other general resources on the General Language Resources page.

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"A language is like an ocean: it seems to go on forever."

- Graham Fuller

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