Inspiration From The Polyglot Project

Every once in a while I like to see what other language learners in the world are doing. Sometimes what I see other people doing reassures me that I am on the right path, other times I get new ideas or update old techniques. It helps me to get centered and revitalize my language learning efforts.

There is a great collection of personal stories from polyglots called The Polyglot Project. The editor, Claude Cartaginese (on whose blog you can read, download or purchase The Polyglot Project), has gathered stories from polyglots around the world in one book.

Each contributing polyglot has written their own personal story, focusing on what motivates them, what techniques and methodologies they use, what challenges they had to overcome, what has been successful for them and what has not worked. It is a treasure trove of information for anyone who intends to learn a language seriously. It is an especially good source of information for anyone who would like to learn several languages.

There is something in The Polyglot Project for everyone. It is motivating, inspiring and very informative as all of these experienced language learners present their story in their own point of view. Claudes blog in general is a great source of information for language learners, and by the way, there are also links to videos and podcasts, many of which feature some of the polyglots in the book.

If you're looking for some inspiration, I highly recommend The Polyglot Project as a way to connect with other language learners and hear how they have gone through this same process of learning another language.

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