Rosetta Stone Arabic-compare Version3 vs Verson 2

by vicki
(san pedro, ca)

A couple of years ago, I requested a Demo CD in Arabic. For whatever reason, I didn't use it until 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I was very impressed with the method and the language. I had lived in Tunisia so although the pronunciation was a little different, I recognized quite a few words/verbs on the demo CD and decided I would purchase Levels 1-3 in Arabic. What arrived was Verson 3. I could hardly understand anything, and was absolutely perplexed at how the new version could be so unintelligible. I was a language major, have taught ESL, etc., and I couldn't believe why I was struggling with the very first lesson. Well, I called customer service and found out. Version 2, which I liked, is standard Arabic. Version 3 is Classical Arabic...which, in my opinion, no one speaks. Make no mistake, the two programs and the two languages (standard vs classical) are very different, particularly with the endings of the words. Standard Arabic pretty much drops the endings. So, for example, phonetically, if I say "beb" (door), classical Arabic would say "beb-boon." All those "oons" in Classical Arabic would drive me crazy. I am not going to torture myself with this program. I will return it early next week. Too bad.

Comments for Rosetta Stone Arabic-compare Version3 vs Verson 2

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by: Elian Gonzalez

Well, the interesting thing that no one "speaks" Standard Arabic either, and any book/course worth its while should have made the distinction between case endings one says (in Classical and Standard) and where you ignore them (Standard and colloquial). That is certainly not the poster's fault, but if the program isn't telling you this, it's missing out on a critical part of Arabic.

by: Anonymous

yeah, this really helped, because i bought rosetta stone first-i guess version 3-and recently i was looking at several books and all but one of them used MSA. i was further perplexed when i just now googled rosetta stone arabic and saw stuff like "want to learn modern arabic fast?" so thanks for explaining rosetta's different versions.

by: Anonymous

also- haha! i thought your ending was funny

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