So Far Not So Good

I know three persons who have used the Rosetta Stone program:

1. My wife to learn English. She hasn't learned a thing.

2. A friend to learn Spanish. She can't speak a word.

3. A friend to learn Portuguese. His opinion on Rosetta Stone is that it is average.

My computer died on us and so far I haven't had any help from Rosetta Stone to get it working on another computer. I'm very disappointed with the program, especially after paying over $500 for it.

Comments for So Far Not So Good

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Chillax, RS isn't that bad.
by: MyWord

RS really isn't that bad, yes you're going to have to do some other things to fully learn the language but it's a good jumping off point. Further more if you are so worried about spending the money on it ***Edited*** . You're welcome.

Rosetta Stone does not work at all
by: Geert Anthonis

I speak, read and write 5 languages (Dutch, English, Chinese, French and German) to different degrees of fluency. I speak another 2 (Thai and Spanish). All were learned the "old-fashioned hard way". So last year when I married my indonesian wife I wanted to find an easy way to learn Bahasa Indonesia. Rossetta Stone promised a lot. After finishing more than half of course one I am still no where. Indonesian is supposed to be an easy language to learn.

I now look for and follow all free lessons I can find online and they have done the trick for me.

A friend gave me an illegal DVD copy of RS with all their languages on it. As I would also like to learn Arabic. I had a look at their Chinese program and to be honest it sucks. If anyone can learn Chinese that way I would like to meet that person. Their Arabic program looks just as unusable.

Geert Anthonis
Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Mandarin Chinese & Indonesian
by: Anonymous

I have bought and used both the Mandarin Chinese and Indonesian Rosetta Stone programs. Without a lot of interaction with native speakers of the language you are studying, Rosetta Stone is not very effective.

No one has ever learned from this thing
by: Steph

I asked around from everyone I know. I talked to about 10 people who have Rosetta Stone or used it and not one of them learned anything useful. I think that says something. Theyre great at selling products, just lousy at making them.

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